Beerfordt; Beerfortt; Berefiord; Bërefiorde; Berefiordt; Berefiort; Berefiortt; Berefiørt; Bereforde; Bereførde; Berenfiord; Berenfiort; Berfoerde; Berföer; Bernefiort; Bernfiord; Bernfiordschen; Bernfiordt; Bernfiorschen; Bernfiort; Bernfiortschen; Bernfiortt; Bernforde; Bernfort; Bernfortt; Bernfoyrt; Berufiordur; Berufirdi; Berufjörður; Bredeforde; Oestforde; Oestfordes sußell; Oestfordt; Offiordt; Oist; Oistfardes Sußell; Oistfiordt; Oistfiort; Oistfiortt; Oistfiortt sußell; Oistfoirtt; Oistforde; Oistforde sußell; Oistfordes suißell; Oistfordes sussel; Oistfordeß sueßell; Oistfort; Oistfort sußell; Oistfortt; Oistfortt sußell; Oistfoyrtt; Oistförde; Oost; Osefiort; Oßenfortt; Oßfortt; Ost; Ost fiorde; Ostenforth; Oster fiordunge; Osterforden; Ostfioerdt; Ostfiord; Ostfiorde; Ostfiordt; Ostfiort; Ostfiort in Ostfiortsissel; Ostfiortschen ; Ostfiortt; Ostfiørd; Ostfiørt; Ostfoerde; Ostfohrde; Ostford; Ostforde; Ostforde Sußell; Ostfordsussel; Ostfordt; Ostfort; Ostfort suissel; Ostforth; Ostfortsußell; Ostfortt; Ostfortt Sussell; Ostfyordt; Ostvöhrde; Papie; Pappø; sißell Ostförde; Østfiord; Østfiordsyssel
Region/Country: Region/Land: Eastern Iceland, Iceland
Fjord in Eastern Iceland, which was in use by Bremen merchants under the name "Ostforde", and by Hamburg merchants under the name "Bernforde", which led to decades of conflict between the two groups of merchants in the late 16th century.
Displaying records 31 tobis 40 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
1582, January 18
Heinrich Salomon, Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne to prince-archbishop Henry III of Bremen: ask for help in protection against Hamburg competitors in the harbours Ost- and Horneforde, for which they have a license from the king.
1582, February 1
Heinrich Salomon, Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne to Bremen: complaint about the interference of Hamburg merchants in their business in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, for which they have a license.
1582, February 2
Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: complaint about interference of Hamburg merchants in the harbours Ost- and Horneforde and other places in Iceland, and ask the king to prevent this.
1582, February 26
Prince- archbishop Henry III of Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: requests to prohibit Hamburg merchants to use the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, which they do in spite of the license that Bremen merchants Christoffer Meyer, Johan Wiggers, and Bernd Losekanne have for the place.
Transcript available
1582, March 6
King Frederick II of Denmark to [governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland]: because Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne, who have a license to use the harbour Ostforde, have complained about interference of Hamburg merchants in their business, it is asked to prevent this.
Transcript available
1582, March 24
Bremen to governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland: request to stop interference by Hamburg merchants in the business of Bremen merchants Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne in the harbour Ost- and Horneforde, as the king of Denmark has already written him.
Transcript available
1582, April 6
Governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland to Bremen: requests to provide the names of the Hamburg merchants who have been hindering Bremen merchants in the Ost- and Horneforde before the ships to Iceland leave, otherwise he cannot help them to prevent this illegal behaviour.
Transcript available
1582, April 6
Governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland to Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne: thanks them for the salmon they sent him, and requests them to provide the names of the Hamburg merchants who used the harbour Ostforde illegally, so he can forbid them to use that harbour.
Transcript available
1582, November 7
Berndt Losekanne and Christoffer Meyer to Bremen: complain about hindrance of Hamburg merchants in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, even though the Danish king had forbidden this, and asks for a new letter to governour Johan Bockholt to prevent this.
Transcript available
1583, January 31
Bremen to governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland: after the king had asked Bockholt last year to prevent Hamburg merchants from hindering Bremen merchants Christoffer Meyer and Bernd Losekanne in the harbours Ost- and Horneforde, they have done so nevertheless and even increased their activities there. Therefore, it is asked again to prevent this.
Displaying records 31 tobis 40 ofvon 94 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)