(Is)landerschen; Eijslandt; Eijslannd; Eijsslandt; Eijsslandtzfahren; Eijsslendische; Eislandt; Eislanndt; Eislanndtt; Eißland; Eißlandische; Eißlandt; Eisslanndt; Eißlant; Eißländischen; Eslendischen; Eßlande; Esslandt; Eyslannt; Eyßlandt; Iceland; Icelander; Icelanders; Icelandic; Iisland; Iislandesschen; Iislandt; Iislannd; Iißlandt; ijsland; Ijslande; Iselant; Island; Islande; Islanden; Islander; Islanderfahrer; Islanderfharer; Islanderschen; Islandesche; Islandeschen; Islandescher; Islandescken; Islandesfahrer; Islandesfaren; Islandesfarers; Islandesfart; Islandeske; Islandesken; Islandessche; Islandesschen; Islandesvarer; Islandfarer; Islandh; islandi; Islandia; Islandiae; Islandiam; Islandica; islandici; islandicis; Islandicorum; Islandie; Islandienses; Islandiensi; Islandiensis; Islandipitarum; islandis; Islandische; Islandischen; Islandisches; Islandischfarer; Islandiæ; Islands; Islandsfahrer; Islandsken; Islandt; Islandth; Islandtsfahrer; Islandtt; Islandtzfahres; Islandz; Islannd; Islannde; Islanndt; Islanndtsfahres; Islanndtsfahrs; Islanndtz; Islanndtzfahres; Islanndz; Islannth; Islant; Islanth; Islantt; Islender; Islendische; Islendischen; Islendischenn; Islendisches; Islendiske; Islennder; islenskan; Isländische; Ißland; Ißlande; Ißlander; Ißlandere; Ißlanderen; Ißlanderenn; Ißlanderfahrer; Ißlanderfahreren; Ißlanderfahrern; Ißlanderfarer; Ißlanderfart; Ißlanderfarth; Ißlanderfhareren; Ißlandern; Ißlandernn; Ißlandervarer; Ißlandes; Ißlandesche; Ißlandeschen; Ißlandeschenn; Ißlandesfahrer; Ißlandesfarer; Ißlandesfarern; Ißlandeß; Ißlandeßfahrer; Ißlandeßfahrern; Ißlandeßfaren; Ißlandeßfarer; Ißlandfahrer; Ißlandisch; Ißlandische; Ißlandischem; Ißlandischen; Ißlandischenn; Ißlandischer; Ißlandren; Isslandrinorum; Ißlands; Ißlandsfahrer; Ißlandsfahrern; Ißlandt; Ißlandtfahrer; Isslandth; Ißlandts; Ißlandtt; Ißlannd; Ißlanndt; Ißlanndtt; Isslanndtz; Ißlant; Ißlanth; Ißlender; Ißlendere; Ißlenderen; Ißlenderfarer; Ißlendernn; Ißlenderschen; Ißlendische; Ißlendischem; Ißlendischen; Ißlendischenn; Ißlendischnn; Ißländer; Ißländische; Ißländischen; Iszland; Iszlande; Iszlandere; Iszlanderen; Iszlandesche; Iszlandeschen; Iszlandescke; Iszlandescken; Iszlandessche; Iszlandesschen; Iszlandia; Iszlandica; Iszlandicarum; Iszlandico; Iszlandie; iszlandischen; Iszlandt; Iszlant; Iszlendischen; Iyszlandesche; Izelandt; Jisland; Jislandiam; Jislandiæ; Jislant; Jsland; Jslande; Jslander; Jslandes; Jslandeschen; Jslandesschen; Jslandfare; jslandi; Jslandia; Jslandiam; jslandica; Jslandicj; Jslandie; Jslandiensem; Jslandische; Jslandischen; Jslands; Jslandsfar; Jslandsfare; Jslandsfarer; Jslandsfarers; Jslandsfares; Jslandt; Jslandts; Jslandtt; Jslandtz; Jslandz; Jslandzfare; Jslandzfarer; Jslandæ; Jslannder; Jslanndt; Jslannt; Jslendern; Jslenderne; Jslendinga; jslendskan; jslendskar; jslendsker; jslendskum; Jslendzka; jslendzka(n); jslendzkan; jslendzkar; jslendzker; jslendzkra; jslendzkvm; jslenskvm; Jsllandt; Jssland; jsslandia; jsslandische; Jsslandischenn; Jsslandt; Jsslandtsfahrer; Jsslandtt; Jsslanndt; Jsslender; Jsslendern; Jsslendischenn; Jszland; Jszlande; Jszlander; Jszlandere; Jszlanderen; Jszlandes; Jszlands; Jszlandt; Jszlanndt; Jszlannt; Jszlant; Jszlendischen; lislant; Ylendischenn; Ysland; Yslande; Yslander; Yslanderß; Yslandesche; Yslandh; Yslandia; Yslandt; Yslannt; Yslant; Yslendesschen; Yssland; Yßlandesfarer; Ysslandh; Yßlandischen; ysslandske; Yßlandt; Yßlantt; Yßlendischen; yszlande; Yszlandesche; Yszlandeschen; Yszlandt; Yszlant; Yszlendischen
Region/Country: Region/Land: Iceland, Iceland
First settled in the 9th century by Vikings from Norway and Irish monks, Iceland was independent until 1262, when it became part of the kingdom of Norway. Iceland was a tributary land (skattland) of the Norwegian/Danish king in the 15th and 16th century. Officially trade with Iceland had to be conducted through Bergen in Norway, but in the 15th century English, and soon afterwards German, traders established direct trading links with the island. In the course of the 16th century the Danish king managed to gain ever more control over the island, until he finally instituted the Danish trading monopoly in 1601, effectively banning all foreign trade with Iceland.
Displaying records 581 tobis 590 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt
Transcript available
1591, August 25
Bailiffs Elendur Magnusson, Bryniolfur Jonson and Gudmundur Eyolfson declare that Bremen merchants in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland sell better commodities than Hamburg merchants and help the local people.
Transcript available
1591, August 26
Vík (Fáskrúðsfjörður)
Jon Einarsson, elderman in Foschesvorde, confesses that during his entire life, Bremen merchants have sailed to Fulewick and behaved themselves well, and that it would be to the disadvantage of the poor people if they would not come anymore.
Transcript available
1591, September 7
Dietmar Kenckel to Bremen: request to use the harbour Stappe in Iceland, for which a license was previously held by his father Dietmar Kenckel, and later by Hamburg merchants, whose license has now ended.
1591, September 11
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: request for a license for the harbour Stappe in Iceland on behalf of Dietmar Kenckel, which was held before by his father.
Transcript available
1591, after September 29
Cordt Walleman to king Christian IV of Denmark: said that he went to Copenhagen to bring the request of Dietmar Kenckel, the factor of Duke Henry Julius of Brunswick-Lüneburg, to use the harbour Stappe, to the Council of the Realm. As it appeared that this harbour was already in use by someone else, Walleman requests a license for Durholmer in the east, which was never used by anyone, on Kenckels behalf.
Transcript available
1591, End
Anonymous note, which states that there has never been a ship in the harbour Durholmer in Iceland because it is so far away from everything.
Transcript available
1591, November 14
Bremen's instruction for the secretary Daniel Bisterfeldt, who is sent to discuss the matter about the rightful use of the harbour Ostforde/Bernforde, in which it is stated that it can be proven that Marten Losekanne and his predecessors have rightfully used the harbour under the name Ostforde for decades, and that it is therefore not true that they have changed a license for Wapenforde to the invented name Ostforde, as Hamburg merchant Daniel Elers claims.
1591, December
Prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: asks on behalf of Bremen merchants to protect their interests in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland and to forbid the Hamburg merchants from sailing there.
Transcript available
1591, between December 12 and 29
Representative of the Hamburg merchants with Bernforde to the Danish Council of the Realm: reply to complaints from the Bremen representative in the conflict about the use of the harbour Ostforde/Bernforde in Iceland, in which he states that although the Bremen merchants have a license for Ostforde, this refers to a quarter of the entire land and not to a specific harbour like Bernforde.
1591, December 5
Marten Losekanne and Johan Oldenbuttel to prince-archbishop John Adolf of Bremen: complain that they have used the harbour Ostforde in Iceland for over 80 years, and now Daniel Elers from Hamburg has received a license for the harbour Bernforde, which is in fact the same harbour, and ask for mediation at the Danish court.
Displaying records 581 tobis 590 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)