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Region/Country: Region/Land: Iceland, Iceland
First settled in the 9th century by Vikings from Norway and Irish monks, Iceland was independent until 1262, when it became part of the kingdom of Norway. Iceland was a tributary land (skattland) of the Norwegian/Danish king in the 15th and 16th century. Officially trade with Iceland had to be conducted through Bergen in Norway, but in the 15th century English, and soon afterwards German, traders established direct trading links with the island. In the course of the 16th century the Danish king managed to gain ever more control over the island, until he finally instituted the Danish trading monopoly in 1601, effectively banning all foreign trade with Iceland.
Displaying records 751 tobis 760 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt
1601, October 28
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about the prohibition of the Icelandic trade for foreigners, which is unfair because they have always served the local population well, and it damages the involved merchants, who still have many outstanding debts, and the poor and sick who depend on the confraternity of Iceland merchants.
1601, October 29
Hamburg merchants with Iceland to Hamburg: reaction to the prohibition of the Icelandic trade for foreigners, which they claim is unfair, as they have served the Icelandic population for over 200 years with good commodities and have maintained good relations with them. Moreover, as the prohibition came unexpected, there are still many outstandig debts in 13 harbours for which the license has expired.
1601, November 10
Count John VII of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about the royal prohibition to sail to Iceland. He claims the trade of his Copenhagen subjects will not suffer if the Oldenburg merchants use the former licenses, which the count had hoped would have been extended.
Transcript available
1601, November 15
Instruction of the Bremen city council for Johan von Affelen, who is sent to the Danish court to discuss the prohibition of the Icelandic trade for foreign traders. Not only will the prohibition damage the Bremen merchants, who have traded in Iceland for as long as people remember, also it will be of disadvantage to the Icelanders. Therefore, it is asked to prolong the licenses for the three harbours served by Bremen, or at least to let them sail to these harbours until they have collected their outstanding debts.
Transcript available
1601, November 16
Bremen to king Christian IV of Denmark: letter of consignment for Johan von Affelen, who is sent to the Danish court to discuss the prohibition of the Icelandic trade.
Transcript available
1601, November 27
King Christian IV of Denmark to Hamburg: answer to their complaints about the prohibition of the Icelandic trade, that he will not change his mind.
1601, December 4
King Christian IV of Denmark to count John VII of Oldenburg: states that he understands the count's problems, but will remain with his decision to forbid the Oldenburg trade with Iceland.
1601, December 13
Hans Steinkamp and Bernd Osthoff to Hamburg: complain how the ship of Hans Hare has shipwrecked on Helgoland on its way to Iceland, at which occasion most of their goods were lost, so that they had to cancel the journey to Iceland for this year. Because their license for the harbour Grindewick has expired, however, they ask permission to sail once more next year.
1601, December 28
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request on behalf of the merchants with Grindewick, to sail one more year to Iceland, because they have lost a lot of their commodities during a shipwreck of Hans Hare's ship on Helgoland in April this year.
1602, August
Copenhagen merchants with Iceland to king Christian IV of Denmark: complaint about Johan Holtgreve from Hamburg, who sailed as a Helsingør merchant to Spakonefeldshoved and from there to Botsand, and about Hamburg merchants in Watlose, who interfere with their business in Kibbelwick, Grindewick and Haneforde. Therefore, they had to send two of their four ships back to Denmark with great losses.
Displaying records 751 tobis 760 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)