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(Is)landerschen; Eijslandt; Eijslannd; Eijsslandt; Eijsslandtzfahren; Eijsslendische; Eislandt; Eislanndt; Eislanndtt; Eißland; Eißlandische; Eißlandt; Eisslanndt; Eißlant; Eißländischen; Eslendischen; Eßlande; Esslandt; Eyslannt; Eyßlandt; Iceland; Icelander; Icelanders; Icelandic; Iisland; Iislandesschen; Iislandt; Iislannd; Iißlandt; ijsland; Ijslande; Iselant; Island; Islande; Islanden; Islander; Islanderfahrer; Islanderfharer; Islanderschen; Islandesche; Islandeschen; Islandescher; Islandescken; Islandesfahrer; Islandesfaren; Islandesfarers; Islandesfart; Islandeske; Islandesken; Islandessche; Islandesschen; Islandesvarer; Islandfarer; Islandh; islandi; Islandia; Islandiae; Islandiam; Islandica; islandici; islandicis; Islandicorum; Islandie; Islandienses; Islandiensi; Islandiensis; Islandipitarum; islandis; Islandische; Islandischen; Islandisches; Islandischfarer; Islandiæ; Islands; Islandsfahrer; Islandsken; Islandt; Islandth; Islandtsfahrer; Islandtt; Islandtzfahres; Islandz; Islannd; Islannde; Islanndt; Islanndtsfahres; Islanndtsfahrs; Islanndtz; Islanndtzfahres; Islanndz; Islannth; Islant; Islanth; Islantt; Islender; Islendische; Islendischen; Islendischenn; Islendisches; Islendiske; Islennder; islenskan; Isländische; Ißland; Ißlande; Ißlander; Ißlandere; Ißlanderen; Ißlanderenn; Ißlanderfahrer; Ißlanderfahreren; Ißlanderfahrern; Ißlanderfarer; Ißlanderfart; Ißlanderfarth; Ißlanderfhareren; Ißlandern; Ißlandernn; Ißlandervarer; Ißlandes; Ißlandesche; Ißlandeschen; Ißlandeschenn; Ißlandesfahrer; Ißlandesfarer; Ißlandesfarern; Ißlandeß; Ißlandeßfahrer; Ißlandeßfahrern; Ißlandeßfaren; Ißlandeßfarer; Ißlandfahrer; Ißlandisch; Ißlandische; Ißlandischem; Ißlandischen; Ißlandischenn; Ißlandischer; Ißlandren; Isslandrinorum; Ißlands; Ißlandsfahrer; Ißlandsfahrern; Ißlandt; Ißlandtfahrer; Isslandth; Ißlandts; Ißlandtt; Ißlannd; Ißlanndt; Ißlanndtt; Isslanndtz; Ißlant; Ißlanth; Ißlender; Ißlendere; Ißlenderen; Ißlenderfarer; Ißlendernn; Ißlenderschen; Ißlendische; Ißlendischem; Ißlendischen; Ißlendischenn; Ißlendischnn; Ißländer; Ißländische; Ißländischen; Iszland; Iszlande; Iszlandere; Iszlanderen; Iszlandesche; Iszlandeschen; Iszlandescke; Iszlandescken; Iszlandessche; Iszlandesschen; Iszlandia; Iszlandica; Iszlandicarum; Iszlandico; Iszlandie; iszlandischen; Iszlandt; Iszlant; Iszlendischen; Iyszlandesche; Izelandt; Jisland; Jislandiam; Jislandiæ; Jislant; Jsland; Jslande; Jslander; Jslandes; Jslandeschen; Jslandesschen; Jslandfare; jslandi; Jslandia; Jslandiam; jslandica; Jslandicj; Jslandie; Jslandiensem; Jslandische; Jslandischen; Jslands; Jslandsfar; Jslandsfare; Jslandsfarer; Jslandsfarers; Jslandsfares; Jslandt; Jslandts; Jslandtt; Jslandtz; Jslandz; Jslandzfare; Jslandzfarer; Jslandæ; Jslannder; Jslanndt; Jslannt; Jslendern; Jslenderne; Jslendinga; jslendskan; jslendskar; jslendsker; jslendskum; Jslendzka; jslendzka(n); jslendzkan; jslendzkar; jslendzker; jslendzkra; jslendzkvm; jslenskvm; Jsllandt; Jssland; jsslandia; jsslandische; Jsslandischenn; Jsslandt; Jsslandtsfahrer; Jsslandtt; Jsslanndt; Jsslender; Jsslendern; Jsslendischenn; Jszland; Jszlande; Jszlander; Jszlandere; Jszlanderen; Jszlandes; Jszlands; Jszlandt; Jszlanndt; Jszlannt; Jszlant; Jszlendischen; lislant; Ylendischenn; Ysland; Yslande; Yslander; Yslanderß; Yslandesche; Yslandh; Yslandia; Yslandt; Yslannt; Yslant; Yslendesschen; Yssland; Yßlandesfarer; Ysslandh; Yßlandischen; ysslandske; Yßlandt; Yßlantt; Yßlendischen; yszlande; Yszlandesche; Yszlandeschen; Yszlandt; Yszlant; Yszlendischen

Region/Country: Region/Land: Iceland, Iceland

First settled in the 9th century by Vikings from Norway and Irish monks, Iceland was independent until 1262, when it became part of the kingdom of Norway. Iceland was a tributary land (skattland) of the Norwegian/Danish king in the 15th and 16th century. Officially trade with Iceland had to be conducted through Bergen in Norway, but in the 15th century English, and soon afterwards German, traders established direct trading links with the island. In the course of the 16th century the Danish king managed to gain ever more control over the island, until he finally instituted the Danish trading monopoly in 1601, effectively banning all foreign trade with Iceland.

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Transcript available

1469, December 31


Braunschweig to Lübeck: ask legal advice in a case where their citizen Frederik Leddinghusen has freighted the ship of Bremen skipper Marten Stene for Iceland, who shipwrecked on Shetland on the journey, but still wants to receive the full promised freighting money.


Transcript available

1470, December 30


Braunschweig to Bremen: regarding the conflict between Frederik Ledinghusen from Braunschweig and skipper Martene Steen from Bremen, in which the latter claimed the full freight money from Leddinghusen for transporting commodities to Iceland, even though he shipwrecked in Shetland, the Hanseatic Diet has decided in 1447 that in such cases, only part of the freight money is due, and therefore it is asked to see that the matter is settled.


Transcript available

1473, September 1


Complaints of Holland against the Wendish cities during negotiations in Utrecht, among others that two years earlier merchants from Amsterdam sailed to Hafnarfjörður in Iceland, where they encountered English merchants who had confiscated a German ship and captured the crew, whereupon the Germans were freed and taken back to Amsterdam, but nevertheless Peter Peterszon, one of the Amsterdam merchants, was later captured in Hamburg and condemned to pay compensation to the city.


Transcript available



The bishop of Bergen and others to King Henry of England: complain about the robbery of Hanseatic merchant Johannis Rorembergh in Iceland by English merchants, and demand that this act does not remain unpunished.


Transcript available



Treasurer accounts (Kämmereirechnungen) of the city of Hamburg, containing revenues and expenses of the two ships Hispanigerd and Grote Marie, which were fitted out by the city in cooperation with Diderich Vriensteen to sail to Iceland.


Transcript available

1476, March 7


The bishop of Bergen and the master of the royal chapter declare their support in favour of Hanseatic merchant Johannes Mønik and skipper Johannis Rørembergh, who have been robbed in Iceland by English merchants, and demand that this should not go unpunished.


Transcript available

1476, June 10

Gislo Johannis, bishop of Skálholt, and other Icelanders proclaim that the ship that was robbed by Bristol merchants in Iceland belonged to Bergen merchants, that the Lübeck merchants in Iceland have supported the governor with weapons against the English, and that the ship was left by the crew after it stranded.


Transcript available

1476, June 15


Representatives of the Hanseatic cities gathered in Lübeck to King Edward IV of England: complain that merchants from Bristol stole a ship and fishes with a total worth of 2000 pound sterling from Lübeck merchants in Iceland in the previous year, and demand compensation.


Transcript available

[1477], February 14


King Edward IV of England to Richard, Duke of Gloucester: states how merchants from Lübeck and Hamburg have complained that a Hamburg ship which was on its way from Iceland to London stranded near Hartlepool in Yorkshire, where it was robbed by English knights, and demands prosecution of the latter and compensation for the involved merchants.


Transcript available

1480, June 30


Lübeck to Rostock: answer to a letter about the request of Hamburg to receive Rostock barrels for brewing beer in the Kremper marsch for the export to Iceland, which was blocked by Lübeck coopers, as it is claimed that this beer would eventually be exported to Bergen, which would be unfair competition for Rostock, Wismar, Stralsund and Lübeck, and therefore the matter should be discussed at the next Diet.

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