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(Is)landerschen; Eijslandt; Eijslannd; Eijsslandt; Eijsslandtzfahren; Eijsslendische; Eislandt; Eislanndt; Eislanndtt; Eißland; Eißlandische; Eißlandt; Eisslanndt; Eißlant; Eißländischen; Eslendischen; Eßlande; Esslandt; Eyslannt; Eyßlandt; Iceland; Icelander; Icelanders; Icelandic; Iisland; Iislandesschen; Iislandt; Iislannd; Iißlandt; ijsland; Ijslande; Iselant; Island; Islande; Islanden; Islander; Islanderfahrer; Islanderfharer; Islanderschen; Islandesche; Islandeschen; Islandescher; Islandescken; Islandesfahrer; Islandesfaren; Islandesfarers; Islandesfart; Islandeske; Islandesken; Islandessche; Islandesschen; Islandesvarer; Islandfarer; Islandh; islandi; Islandia; Islandiae; Islandiam; Islandica; islandici; islandicis; Islandicorum; Islandie; Islandienses; Islandiensi; Islandiensis; Islandipitarum; islandis; Islandische; Islandischen; Islandisches; Islandischfarer; Islandiæ; Islands; Islandsfahrer; Islandsken; Islandt; Islandth; Islandtsfahrer; Islandtt; Islandtzfahres; Islandz; Islannd; Islannde; Islanndt; Islanndtsfahres; Islanndtsfahrs; Islanndtz; Islanndtzfahres; Islanndz; Islannth; Islant; Islanth; Islantt; Islender; Islendische; Islendischen; Islendischenn; Islendisches; Islendiske; Islennder; islenskan; Isländische; Ißland; Ißlande; Ißlander; Ißlandere; Ißlanderen; Ißlanderenn; Ißlanderfahrer; Ißlanderfahreren; Ißlanderfahrern; Ißlanderfarer; Ißlanderfart; Ißlanderfarth; Ißlanderfhareren; Ißlandern; Ißlandernn; Ißlandervarer; Ißlandes; Ißlandesche; Ißlandeschen; Ißlandeschenn; Ißlandesfahrer; Ißlandesfarer; Ißlandesfarern; Ißlandeß; Ißlandeßfahrer; Ißlandeßfahrern; Ißlandeßfaren; Ißlandeßfarer; Ißlandfahrer; Ißlandisch; Ißlandische; Ißlandischem; Ißlandischen; Ißlandischenn; Ißlandischer; Ißlandren; Isslandrinorum; Ißlands; Ißlandsfahrer; Ißlandsfahrern; Ißlandt; Ißlandtfahrer; Isslandth; Ißlandts; Ißlandtt; Ißlannd; Ißlanndt; Ißlanndtt; Isslanndtz; Ißlant; Ißlanth; Ißlender; Ißlendere; Ißlenderen; Ißlenderfarer; Ißlendernn; Ißlenderschen; Ißlendische; Ißlendischem; Ißlendischen; Ißlendischenn; Ißlendischnn; Ißländer; Ißländische; Ißländischen; Iszland; Iszlande; Iszlandere; Iszlanderen; Iszlandesche; Iszlandeschen; Iszlandescke; Iszlandescken; Iszlandessche; Iszlandesschen; Iszlandia; Iszlandica; Iszlandicarum; Iszlandico; Iszlandie; iszlandischen; Iszlandt; Iszlant; Iszlendischen; Iyszlandesche; Izelandt; Jisland; Jislandiam; Jislandiæ; Jislant; Jsland; Jslande; Jslander; Jslandes; Jslandeschen; Jslandesschen; Jslandfare; jslandi; Jslandia; Jslandiam; jslandica; Jslandicj; Jslandie; Jslandiensem; Jslandische; Jslandischen; Jslands; Jslandsfar; Jslandsfare; Jslandsfarer; Jslandsfarers; Jslandsfares; Jslandt; Jslandts; Jslandtt; Jslandtz; Jslandz; Jslandzfare; Jslandzfarer; Jslandæ; Jslannder; Jslanndt; Jslannt; Jslendern; Jslenderne; Jslendinga; jslendskan; jslendskar; jslendsker; jslendskum; Jslendzka; jslendzka(n); jslendzkan; jslendzkar; jslendzker; jslendzkra; jslendzkvm; jslenskvm; Jsllandt; Jssland; jsslandia; jsslandische; Jsslandischenn; Jsslandt; Jsslandtsfahrer; Jsslandtt; Jsslanndt; Jsslender; Jsslendern; Jsslendischenn; Jszland; Jszlande; Jszlander; Jszlandere; Jszlanderen; Jszlandes; Jszlands; Jszlandt; Jszlanndt; Jszlannt; Jszlant; Jszlendischen; lislant; Ylendischenn; Ysland; Yslande; Yslander; Yslanderß; Yslandesche; Yslandh; Yslandia; Yslandt; Yslannt; Yslant; Yslendesschen; Yssland; Yßlandesfarer; Ysslandh; Yßlandischen; ysslandske; Yßlandt; Yßlantt; Yßlendischen; yszlande; Yszlandesche; Yszlandeschen; Yszlandt; Yszlant; Yszlendischen

Region/Country: Region/Land: Iceland, Iceland

First settled in the 9th century by Vikings from Norway and Irish monks, Iceland was independent until 1262, when it became part of the kingdom of Norway. Iceland was a tributary land (skattland) of the Norwegian/Danish king in the 15th and 16th century. Officially trade with Iceland had to be conducted through Bergen in Norway, but in the 15th century English, and soon afterwards German, traders established direct trading links with the island. In the course of the 16th century the Danish king managed to gain ever more control over the island, until he finally instituted the Danish trading monopoly in 1601, effectively banning all foreign trade with Iceland.

Displaying records 361 tobis 370 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt


Transcript available

1567, August 21


Eirikur Arnason confesses that he has set the trade (kaupsetning) in Ostforde with Bernd Losekanne, skipper and merchant, and Reineken Strotman, merchant, and their folk, who had a license from Peter Withfeld, and that the merchants in the Wapenforde have behaved themselves badly.


Transcript available

1567, September 9


King Frederick II of Denmark permits Margarete, Bartholomeus Tinappel's widow, to trade with the harbour Alnfiord in Iceland, on the condition that she will not trade sulfur or fish oil, trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.


Transcript available

1567, September 22


Bremen merchants with Iceland to Joachim Hinck, dean of the Bremen cathedral chapter: ask for mediation in acquiring a license to use the harbours Bodenstede and Kummerwage in Iceland.


Transcript available

1567, September 26


Instruction for Tyleman Zerneman, who is sent by the Bremen city council to the king of Denmark to ask for reduction of the tolls to be paid for harbours in Iceland because of the bad fish catches of the last year, and licenses for the harbours Bodenstede, Stappe, Kummerwage, and Ostforde, and for reduction of the Sound toll on behalf of the city's Bergen merchants.


1567, September 30


Joachim Hinck, dean of the Bremen cathedral chapter, to king Frederick II: request for licenses to use the harbours Kummerwage and Bodenstede in Iceland on behalf of Bremen merchants, among other things.


Transcript available

1567, October 31


King Frederick II of Denmark permits Johan Munsterman from Bremen to trade with the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland until further notice, on the condition that he will not trade sulfur or fish oil, trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.


Transcript available

1567, October 31


King Frederick II of Denmark permits Johan Hudeman from Bremen to trade with the harbour Bodenstede in Iceland until further notice, on the condition that he will not trade sulfur or fish oil, trade commodities of good quality, and will not use false measures and weights.


Transcript available

[1567, before November 19]


Complaints (Gravamina) of Thomas Gerdes, burgomaster of Rostock, Heinrich Dosse, councillor, Christoph Butzau, Michael Boldewan, Brandt Schmidt and Klaus Lepeler, citizens of Rostock, partners of the deceased skipper Lorenz Winckelman, against Thomas Daye, merchant from England, in an appeal before the Imperial Chamber Court (Reichskammergericht) about a load of fish, which the appellants were supposed to deliver from Shetland to Thomas Daye in London, but instead sold in Hamburg as they could not get to England because of the alleged incompetence of the pilot.


1568, January 30


Bremen to king Frederick II of Denmark: repeated complaint about Hamburg merchants, who have a license to trade in the harbour Ostforde in Iceland, but which Bremen merchants have used for more than 60 years, and request to keep using the harbour.


1568, February 21


Widow and heirs of Bartholomeus Tinappel to Lübeck: explain how the ship of Tinappel's widow had been in Iceland very late in autumn, and could therefore not sell all commodities on board, which were left on the island. Therefore, she sent a ship to Dureforde last sommer to get these commodities and reclaim outstanding debts, and thus Christof Vögler, the Danish merchant who has the harbour now, has no right to complain as it did not harm him.

Displaying records 361 tobis 370 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt