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(Is)landerschen; Eijslandt; Eijslannd; Eijsslandt; Eijsslandtzfahren; Eijsslendische; Eislandt; Eislanndt; Eislanndtt; Eißland; Eißlandische; Eißlandt; Eisslanndt; Eißlant; Eißländischen; Eslendischen; Eßlande; Esslandt; Eyslannt; Eyßlandt; Iceland; Icelander; Icelanders; Icelandic; Iisland; Iislandesschen; Iislandt; Iislannd; Iißlandt; ijsland; Ijslande; Iselant; Island; Islande; Islanden; Islander; Islanderfahrer; Islanderfharer; Islanderschen; Islandesche; Islandeschen; Islandescher; Islandescken; Islandesfahrer; Islandesfaren; Islandesfarers; Islandesfart; Islandeske; Islandesken; Islandessche; Islandesschen; Islandesvarer; Islandfarer; Islandh; islandi; Islandia; Islandiae; Islandiam; Islandica; islandici; islandicis; Islandicorum; Islandie; Islandienses; Islandiensi; Islandiensis; Islandipitarum; islandis; Islandische; Islandischen; Islandisches; Islandischfarer; Islandiæ; Islands; Islandsfahrer; Islandsken; Islandt; Islandth; Islandtsfahrer; Islandtt; Islandtzfahres; Islandz; Islannd; Islannde; Islanndt; Islanndtsfahres; Islanndtsfahrs; Islanndtz; Islanndtzfahres; Islanndz; Islannth; Islant; Islanth; Islantt; Islender; Islendische; Islendischen; Islendischenn; Islendisches; Islendiske; Islennder; islenskan; Isländische; Ißland; Ißlande; Ißlander; Ißlandere; Ißlanderen; Ißlanderenn; Ißlanderfahrer; Ißlanderfahreren; Ißlanderfahrern; Ißlanderfarer; Ißlanderfart; Ißlanderfarth; Ißlanderfhareren; Ißlandern; Ißlandernn; Ißlandervarer; Ißlandes; Ißlandesche; Ißlandeschen; Ißlandeschenn; Ißlandesfahrer; Ißlandesfarer; Ißlandesfarern; Ißlandeß; Ißlandeßfahrer; Ißlandeßfahrern; Ißlandeßfaren; Ißlandeßfarer; Ißlandfahrer; Ißlandisch; Ißlandische; Ißlandischem; Ißlandischen; Ißlandischenn; Ißlandischer; Ißlandren; Isslandrinorum; Ißlands; Ißlandsfahrer; Ißlandsfahrern; Ißlandt; Ißlandtfahrer; Isslandth; Ißlandts; Ißlandtt; Ißlannd; Ißlanndt; Ißlanndtt; Isslanndtz; Ißlant; Ißlanth; Ißlender; Ißlendere; Ißlenderen; Ißlenderfarer; Ißlendernn; Ißlenderschen; Ißlendische; Ißlendischem; Ißlendischen; Ißlendischenn; Ißlendischnn; Ißländer; Ißländische; Ißländischen; Iszland; Iszlande; Iszlandere; Iszlanderen; Iszlandesche; Iszlandeschen; Iszlandescke; Iszlandescken; Iszlandessche; Iszlandesschen; Iszlandia; Iszlandica; Iszlandicarum; Iszlandico; Iszlandie; iszlandischen; Iszlandt; Iszlant; Iszlendischen; Iyszlandesche; Izelandt; Jisland; Jislandiam; Jislandiæ; Jislant; Jsland; Jslande; Jslander; Jslandes; Jslandeschen; Jslandesschen; Jslandfare; jslandi; Jslandia; Jslandiam; jslandica; Jslandicj; Jslandie; Jslandiensem; Jslandische; Jslandischen; Jslands; Jslandsfar; Jslandsfare; Jslandsfarer; Jslandsfarers; Jslandsfares; Jslandt; Jslandts; Jslandtt; Jslandtz; Jslandz; Jslandzfare; Jslandzfarer; Jslandæ; Jslannder; Jslanndt; Jslannt; Jslendern; Jslenderne; Jslendinga; jslendskan; jslendskar; jslendsker; jslendskum; Jslendzka; jslendzka(n); jslendzkan; jslendzkar; jslendzker; jslendzkra; jslendzkvm; jslenskvm; Jsllandt; Jssland; jsslandia; jsslandische; Jsslandischenn; Jsslandt; Jsslandtsfahrer; Jsslandtt; Jsslanndt; Jsslender; Jsslendern; Jsslendischenn; Jszland; Jszlande; Jszlander; Jszlandere; Jszlanderen; Jszlandes; Jszlands; Jszlandt; Jszlanndt; Jszlannt; Jszlant; Jszlendischen; lislant; Ylendischenn; Ysland; Yslande; Yslander; Yslanderß; Yslandesche; Yslandh; Yslandia; Yslandt; Yslannt; Yslant; Yslendesschen; Yssland; Yßlandesfarer; Ysslandh; Yßlandischen; ysslandske; Yßlandt; Yßlantt; Yßlendischen; yszlande; Yszlandesche; Yszlandeschen; Yszlandt; Yszlant; Yszlendischen

Region/Country: Region/Land: Iceland, Iceland

First settled in the 9th century by Vikings from Norway and Irish monks, Iceland was independent until 1262, when it became part of the kingdom of Norway. Iceland was a tributary land (skattland) of the Norwegian/Danish king in the 15th and 16th century. Officially trade with Iceland had to be conducted through Bergen in Norway, but in the 15th century English, and soon afterwards German, traders established direct trading links with the island. In the course of the 16th century the Danish king managed to gain ever more control over the island, until he finally instituted the Danish trading monopoly in 1601, effectively banning all foreign trade with Iceland.

Displaying records 791 tobis 800 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt


1604, January 11


Merchants who trade with Kibbelwick to Hamburg: write that the council has decided last year that the Haneforde merchants have to deposit 750 mark, which the Kibbelwick merchants claim they owe them for freight money, but that they refuse to do this and are continuously obstructing the judicial process, and ask the council not to tolerate this anymore.


1604, January 23


Merchants who trade with Kibbelwick to Hamburg: final statement in the case about the freight space shared with the Haneforde merchants, in which they state that they reserved a space of 50 lasts on their ship for the goods of the Haneforde merchants, who never used and did not need this space, and filled it with all kinds of useless stuff in Iceland, only to annoy them.


1604, March 12


Merchants wo used to sail to Iceland to Hamburg: request for mediation with the Danish king to be allowed to sail one ship to Iceland to collect the goods, debts, and booths that are still on the island, or to transport these on a Danish ship, because they still have many outstanding debts on Iceland.


Transcript available

1604, March 13


Alberdt Sivers to Hamburg: writes that he has received a letter from Helsingør merchants, asking him to sail for them to Ohrbach in Iceland, and asks the city council to permit him to leave from Lübeck to Iceland and to return to Hamburg.


1604, March 17


Clawes von Kleve to Hamburg: relates how he has traded in Patersforde and Bildal in Iceland with his father for 40 years, and is now hired by Malmö merchant Olof Zuckerbecker to sail for him to Iceland, but the merchants who used to sail to the harbour Haneforde are obstructing him. He complains that they only do so out of jealousy, as their own license has expired, and that he is not acting against the city law, because he will sail from and return to Hamburg.


1604, March 22


Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: request on behalf of the merchants with Iceland, to send a small ship to Iceland to collect the goods, booths and ships that were left behind on the island.


Transcript available

1610, January 19


Hamburg to King Christian IV of Denmark: because Heinrich Krack was accused of having traded illegally in Iceland in 1609, he was brought to court in Hamburg, where he declared that he had been fishing near Shetland and the Faroes, and because he had caught too little and was driven by a storm to Iceland, he was forced to trade a little there to make a living. Therefore, it is asked to refrain from further prosecution.


1610, December 17


Schweder Timmerman to count Anton Günther of Oldenburg: as the Danish merchants licensed with the Icelandic trade do not use the harbour Flatto at the moment, Timmerman requests to use that harbour for the time being, and afterwards one of the harbours Bodenstede, Stappe, or Reff.


1611, February 7


Count Anton Günther of Oldenburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: writes that he has heard that the Copenhagen trade monopoly of Iceland will be revised, and therefore requests the use of one of the harbours Bodenstede, Stappe or Reff.


1611, March 7


King Christian IV of Denmark to count Anton Günther of Oldenburg: states that the rumours that the Copenhagen monopoly on the trade with Iceland will be cancelled are not true and that the current situation will remain.

Displaying records 791 tobis 800 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt