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Region/Country: Region/Land: Iceland, Iceland
First settled in the 9th century by Vikings from Norway and Irish monks, Iceland was independent until 1262, when it became part of the kingdom of Norway. Iceland was a tributary land (skattland) of the Norwegian/Danish king in the 15th and 16th century. Officially trade with Iceland had to be conducted through Bergen in Norway, but in the 15th century English, and soon afterwards German, traders established direct trading links with the island. In the course of the 16th century the Danish king managed to gain ever more control over the island, until he finally instituted the Danish trading monopoly in 1601, effectively banning all foreign trade with Iceland.
Displaying records 761 tobis 770 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt
1602, August 6
King Christian IV of Denmark to Hamburg: orders to send the ships and goods of the Hamburg merchants who misused their license for Watlose, and of Johan Holtgreve, who sailed as a Helsingør merchant to Botsand, to interfere with the business of Copenhagen merchants in Kibbelwick and Haneforde, to Copenhagen as soon as they arrive in Hamburg.
1602, August 30
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: witness accounts of eight persons who sailed with Johan Holtgreve from Helsingør to Spakenefeldshovede in Iceland, who was accused by Copenhagen merchants that he interfered with their business by visiting the harbour Botsand. They tell how they could not reach Spakenefeldtshovede because of the sea ice, and were welcomed by the locals in Botsand because the Danish merchants in Kibbelwick would not trade with them.
1602, late August
Johan Holtgreve to Hamburg: request to be released from custody and to send the king of Denmark his answer to the complaint of Copenhagen merchants, that he was unable to visit his harbour Spakonefeldshovede.
Transcript available
[1602, Autumn]
Curdt Weimer, Hans van Huteln, Harmen Weimar, Jurgen Jordan, Henrich Eggerdts, Gise Kopman and Henrich Ordt to Hamburg: have been accused by the Danish king of having sailed to Iceland illegally, and in attendance of the trial, ask permission to unload their ship, as the commodities will otherwise detoriate.
1602, September 12
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: in reaction to complaints of Copenhagen merchants in Iceland, Johan Holtgreve has declared that he could not use the harbour Spakonefeldshovede because of the multitude of sea ice last year, and had to go to Botsand instead, where the locals were starving and could not sell their fishes to the Danish merchants because they were too small.
Transcript available
1602, September 13
Cordt Weimar, Hans von Hutlen, Herman Weimar, Jurgen Jordan, Heinrich Eggers, Gise Kopman and Heinrich Ort to Hamburg: state that they had a valid license for the harbour Watlose in Iceland and had been using the harbour for a long time, as can be confirmed by the Icelandic officials.
Transcript available
1602, September 13
List of persons who used the harbours Strome and Watlose in Iceland from 1573 onwards.
1602, September 16
Hamburg to king Christian IV of Denmark: answer to the complaint of Copenhagen merchants that Hamburg merchants have interfered in their business by using the harbour Watlose in Iceland, which is unfair, because they still had a valid license to use the harbour, and ask to sail there for one more year, because they still have many outstanding debts because of the bad weather last year.
Transcript available
1602, September 26
Johann Holdtgreve to [Hamburg]: request to be released from custody on the payment of a bail, because he has heard from his merchants from Helsingør that the Danish king is in Norway, so it will take a long time before his case can be judged, and in the meantime he cannot do business.
Transcript available
1602, [before November 26]
Merchants who used to sail to Kiblewick to Hamburg: complain about the Haneforde merchants' proposal to sail commodities from Iceland to Denmark.
Displaying records 761 tobis 770 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)