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Region/Country: Region/Land: Iceland, Iceland
First settled in the 9th century by Vikings from Norway and Irish monks, Iceland was independent until 1262, when it became part of the kingdom of Norway. Iceland was a tributary land (skattland) of the Norwegian/Danish king in the 15th and 16th century. Officially trade with Iceland had to be conducted through Bergen in Norway, but in the 15th century English, and soon afterwards German, traders established direct trading links with the island. In the course of the 16th century the Danish king managed to gain ever more control over the island, until he finally instituted the Danish trading monopoly in 1601, effectively banning all foreign trade with Iceland.
Displaying records 91 tobis 100 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt
Note about Hamburg merchant Hans Hughe who came to the harbour Reff in Iceland on May 23, and found out that an English merchant from Harwich had bought the fish destined for him.
Transcript available
1532, [Summer]
Skippers and merchants in Hafnarfjörður to [German merchants in Iceland]: complain that the English in Grindewick have taken the fish which they have bought before, and plan to use violence against them to make them pay, and ask for a quick reply.
Transcript available
Lenghty complaint of Hamburg merchants against the English in Iceland, who misbehave both towards German merchants and the Icelanders, are involved in fishing activities, rob the merchants of their ships and goods, and have attacked them on multiple occasions between 1486 and 1532.
Summary of the letter of Hamburg to the English king, which was given with Bartholomeus van der Linden.
Transcript available
Treasurer accounts (Kämmereirechnungen) of the city of Hamburg, containing expenses for the negotiations in Segeberg with Thomas Lee, English representative, about the conflict between merchants from Hamburg and England in Iceland.
Transcript available
[King's Lynn]
Johan Browne, William Kenneth and Johan Sowermere, merchants in King's Lynn, to king Henry VIII of England: complain about the attacks of Lutke Schmidt and his crew on English merchants in the harbour Botsand in Iceland, whereby two English died, and request to capture four Hamburg ships in the Thames, so that the damage can be compensated and the perpetrators punished.
Transcript available
English complaint about attacks from Hamburg and Bremen men on the ship of Nicolas Gybson from London in the harbour Grenewick in Iceland, where after the Germans wanted to take stockfish which belonged to Gybson, they came during the night and killed 15 men on board.
Transcript available
1532, May 16
Robbert Legghe and other English merchants testify that they came to Botsand in Iceland in 1532, where Lutke Schmidt from Hamburg denied them access, so that they entered the harbour by force, together with Jon Willers, after which merchants from Haneforde mediated and settled the matter.
Transcript available
1532, May 16
Robbert Legghe and other English merchants testify that they have paid skipper Lutken Schmidt and his merchants from Hamburg compensation for the damage inflicted upon them in the harbour of Botsand in Iceland.
Transcript available
1532, July 18
Verdict of twelve Icelanders about the violence of the Germans against English merchant Jon Breye in Grindewick, which they deem rightful given the latter's violent behaviour against Icelanders and German merchants, as well as the confiscation of his ship by the bailiff Dirick van Minden.
Displaying records 91 tobis 100 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt
© DSM B.Holterman J.Nicholls (2018)