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(Is)landerschen; Eijslandt; Eijslannd; Eijsslandt; Eijsslandtzfahren; Eijsslendische; Eislandt; Eislanndt; Eislanndtt; Eißland; Eißlandische; Eißlandt; Eisslanndt; Eißlant; Eißländischen; Eslendischen; Eßlande; Esslandt; Eyslannt; Eyßlandt; Iceland; Icelander; Icelanders; Icelandic; Iisland; Iislandesschen; Iislandt; Iislannd; Iißlandt; ijsland; Ijslande; Iselant; Island; Islande; Islanden; Islander; Islanderfahrer; Islanderfharer; Islanderschen; Islandesche; Islandeschen; Islandescher; Islandescken; Islandesfahrer; Islandesfaren; Islandesfarers; Islandesfart; Islandeske; Islandesken; Islandessche; Islandesschen; Islandesvarer; Islandfarer; Islandh; islandi; Islandia; Islandiae; Islandiam; Islandica; islandici; islandicis; Islandicorum; Islandie; Islandienses; Islandiensi; Islandiensis; Islandipitarum; islandis; Islandische; Islandischen; Islandisches; Islandischfarer; Islandiæ; Islands; Islandsfahrer; Islandsken; Islandt; Islandth; Islandtsfahrer; Islandtt; Islandtzfahres; Islandz; Islannd; Islannde; Islanndt; Islanndtsfahres; Islanndtsfahrs; Islanndtz; Islanndtzfahres; Islanndz; Islannth; Islant; Islanth; Islantt; Islender; Islendische; Islendischen; Islendischenn; Islendisches; Islendiske; Islennder; islenskan; Isländische; Ißland; Ißlande; Ißlander; Ißlandere; Ißlanderen; Ißlanderenn; Ißlanderfahrer; Ißlanderfahreren; Ißlanderfahrern; Ißlanderfarer; Ißlanderfart; Ißlanderfarth; Ißlanderfhareren; Ißlandern; Ißlandernn; Ißlandervarer; Ißlandes; Ißlandesche; Ißlandeschen; Ißlandeschenn; Ißlandesfahrer; Ißlandesfarer; Ißlandesfarern; Ißlandeß; Ißlandeßfahrer; Ißlandeßfahrern; Ißlandeßfaren; Ißlandeßfarer; Ißlandfahrer; Ißlandisch; Ißlandische; Ißlandischem; Ißlandischen; Ißlandischenn; Ißlandischer; Ißlandren; Isslandrinorum; Ißlands; Ißlandsfahrer; Ißlandsfahrern; Ißlandt; Ißlandtfahrer; Isslandth; Ißlandts; Ißlandtt; Ißlannd; Ißlanndt; Ißlanndtt; Isslanndtz; Ißlant; Ißlanth; Ißlender; Ißlendere; Ißlenderen; Ißlenderfarer; Ißlendernn; Ißlenderschen; Ißlendische; Ißlendischem; Ißlendischen; Ißlendischenn; Ißlendischnn; Ißländer; Ißländische; Ißländischen; Iszland; Iszlande; Iszlandere; Iszlanderen; Iszlandesche; Iszlandeschen; Iszlandescke; Iszlandescken; Iszlandessche; Iszlandesschen; Iszlandia; Iszlandica; Iszlandicarum; Iszlandico; Iszlandie; iszlandischen; Iszlandt; Iszlant; Iszlendischen; Iyszlandesche; Izelandt; Jisland; Jislandiam; Jislandiæ; Jislant; Jsland; Jslande; Jslander; Jslandes; Jslandeschen; Jslandesschen; Jslandfare; jslandi; Jslandia; Jslandiam; jslandica; Jslandicj; Jslandie; Jslandiensem; Jslandische; Jslandischen; Jslands; Jslandsfar; Jslandsfare; Jslandsfarer; Jslandsfarers; Jslandsfares; Jslandt; Jslandts; Jslandtt; Jslandtz; Jslandz; Jslandzfare; Jslandzfarer; Jslandæ; Jslannder; Jslanndt; Jslannt; Jslendern; Jslenderne; Jslendinga; jslendskan; jslendskar; jslendsker; jslendskum; Jslendzka; jslendzka(n); jslendzkan; jslendzkar; jslendzker; jslendzkra; jslendzkvm; jslenskvm; Jsllandt; Jssland; jsslandia; jsslandische; Jsslandischenn; Jsslandt; Jsslandtsfahrer; Jsslandtt; Jsslanndt; Jsslender; Jsslendern; Jsslendischenn; Jszland; Jszlande; Jszlander; Jszlandere; Jszlanderen; Jszlandes; Jszlands; Jszlandt; Jszlanndt; Jszlannt; Jszlant; Jszlendischen; lislant; Ylendischenn; Ysland; Yslande; Yslander; Yslanderß; Yslandesche; Yslandh; Yslandia; Yslandt; Yslannt; Yslant; Yslendesschen; Yssland; Yßlandesfarer; Ysslandh; Yßlandischen; ysslandske; Yßlandt; Yßlantt; Yßlendischen; yszlande; Yszlandesche; Yszlandeschen; Yszlandt; Yszlant; Yszlendischen

Region/Country: Region/Land: Iceland, Iceland

First settled in the 9th century by Vikings from Norway and Irish monks, Iceland was independent until 1262, when it became part of the kingdom of Norway. Iceland was a tributary land (skattland) of the Norwegian/Danish king in the 15th and 16th century. Officially trade with Iceland had to be conducted through Bergen in Norway, but in the 15th century English, and soon afterwards German, traders established direct trading links with the island. In the course of the 16th century the Danish king managed to gain ever more control over the island, until he finally instituted the Danish trading monopoly in 1601, effectively banning all foreign trade with Iceland.

Displaying records 431 tobis 440 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt


Transcript available

1580, April 8


Count John VII of Oldenburg to Bremen: request to grant Joachim Kolling, from the land of Jever, free passage and to not hinder him in his plans to sail to Iceland.


Transcript available

1580, April 14


Bremen to Count John VII of Oldenburg: relate how the deceased Johan Munsterman, who has used the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland for many years, has suffered great damage, and if the king had known this at the time, he would never have issued a new license to Joachim Kolling, who is now complaining about hindrance of Bremen in his plans to sail there. Therefore, it is asked that the use of the harbour is left to Munsterman's widow and companions, who are in great distress.


Transcript available

1580, July 10


Governour Johan Bockholt of Iceland to Bremen: requests to allow Roleff Gerdes to sail to Iceland, who was forbidden by the city council to sail to the harbour Kummerwage for his brother-in-law Joachim Kolling. As Kolling has a license to use this harbour, Roleff Gerdes has every right to sail for him. Moreover, the deceased Johan Munsterman is still indebted to Jacob Petersonn.


Transcript available

1580, August 13


Bremen to prince-archbishop Henry III of Bremen: request for mediation with the Danish king to acquire licenses for Reff and Neswage in Iceland, on behalf of Johan Werenberg and Evert Hoveman, as the Bremen merchants have lost almost all their harbours to Hamburg, and have suffered greatly from wars in the last years.


Transcript available

1580, September 1


Notary Conradus Mimehsen states, that Joachim Kolling has told that he has taken a letter by Heine Ratken from the house of his brother-in-law Roleff Gerdes and took it to the governour in Iceland.


Transcript available

1580, November 16


Joachim Kolling declares, that he has received a license to use the harbour Kummerwage in Iceland from the king of Denmark with help from count John VII of Oldenburg, and that he has fitted out a ship together with 16 ship owners, and will behave like an honest merchant.


Transcript available

1580, November 24


Joachim Kolling to Roleff Gerdes: if Heine Ratken, who complained about 1000 gulden damage, has a problem with Kolling, he should sue him and not Gerdes, as he has done twice. Moreover, he has brought Ratken's letter to the governour of Iceland.


Transcript available

1580, December 1


Johan Munsterman's widow and companions to Bremen: complain about how after the death of Johan Munsterman, Joachim Kolling from Jever has taken over the trade with the harbour Kummerwage, and asks that the king will forbid him this.


Transcript available

1581, March 16


Bremen to Johan Bockholt, governour in Iceland: a letter from Heine Ratken to his wife, in which he slandered about Bockholt, was given to Roleff Gerdes to deliver, who withheld it. As the letter has come to Bockholt's attention, he should be aware of the fact that it was destined for Ratken's wife only, and therefore, it is asked that he allows Ratken to move and trade freely like before.


Transcript available

1581, July 13


Johan Bockholt to Bremen: Heine Ratken has traded illegally in Kummerwage in Iceland, which is licensed to Joachim Kolling. Kolling must have found the letter from Ratken to his wife, in which he spoke badly about Bockholt, in Rolof Gerdes's house and brought it to Bockholt in anger. Gerdes has nothing to do with it, and Bockholt never forbade Ratken to come to Iceland because of the letter.

Displaying records 431 tobis 440 ofvon 815 Einträgen gezeigt